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8th Feb 2016

Cardamom recommends…

Every so often we want to give you a little recommendation of spots to check out on the island, that perhaps you won’t have heard of, or that will give you a deeper understanding of what our island is all about. This week, it’s Las Dalias Hippy Market in San Carlos. This beautifully run venue hosts a hippy market and also events across the summer, from food nights, to bands, entertainment, DJs and much more.

Check out the seating and also one of the gorgeous dresses we found at the market in 2015…


8th Feb 2016

Cardamom recommends…

Every so often we want to give you a little recommendation of spots to check out on the island, that perhaps you won’t have heard of, or that will give you a deeper understanding of what our island is all about. This week, it’s Las Dalias Hippy Market in San Carlos. This beautifully run venue hosts a hippy market and also events across the summer, from food nights, to bands, entertainment, DJs and much more.

Check out the seating and also one of the gorgeous dresses we found at the market in 2015…


Winter is here



Winter is here

As late November arrives, Ibiza has a completely different vibe to the summer. Our roads & beaches are much more empty, most
restaurants are closed & many of the islands inhabitants have departed our shores to go & visit family, travel & simply rest from the summer chaos.  For those who remain, we nurture our island & a feeling of community arises – families & friends gather together on weekends in the few markets, restaurants & towns which remain open & make the most of the tranquil air – it really is a time where Ibiza’s beauty speaks for itself. Plus if you want to find a party, there is still a lot going on for those who want to look for it!

For team Cardamom, we use this time to get ourselves ahead for the coming summer & our offices in Siesta stay open across the year. Craig, Navine & JoJo hold strategy, finance, legal & marketing meetings to set next years objectives, plus spend time developing Cardamoms products & services to ensure we meet the ever changing demands of Ibiza’s clientele.  JoJo & Craig also meet new clients & develop ideas for their event services. Lais & Helene also stay in Ibiza & support the planning of the events to get ahead in the process before the coming summer.  So, please pop in & say hi if you’re ever here in the winter!


28th Oct 2015

The Lovely Laura entertaining our guests this summer…


28th Oct 2015

Many modern men across the globe today express their fashion credibility through their personal
grooming and 2015 has most definitely been the year of the beard – it seems the
bigger & bushier, the better!

Ibiza has not missed this trend & in line
with this, London based credible tailoring service ‘Tailored & Groomed’ are soon to
launch an Ibiza branch of their services – to keep the men of the White Isle
looking fresh, no matter how hot & sticky the weather.

The premium barbering &
tailoring experience includes shaving, beard trimming & other facial grooming
services, plus tailoring, including made to measure suits – for the ultimate
look. What better way to pamper yourself as a guy if you’re having an event in Ibiza!

If you’re wanting to book
Tailored & Groom’s services for your Cardamom event, get in touch today
info” /


23rd Oct 2015

A wedding with a view…


Feedback frenzy!



Feedback frenzy!

Some more lovely feedback from one of this years clients:

“I don’t know where to start with thanking you and the team! Our event was truly amazing, we loved each and every second of it, and that is down to Cardamom. Jojo, you were were fantastic throughout – so organised and on the ball, even my event planner friends that were there on the day commented on how fantastic you were. Lais too was brilliant – completely in control and knew what to do throughout. We couldn’t have asked for a better team. The day ran so smoothly, the venue looked spectacular and the food was delicious! The service was brilliant and we’re so pleased with everything, would definitely recommend you guys to anyone wanting to have an event in Ibiza :)”


Contact us now [email protected]


Exclusive viewing of our team promo film!




Exclusive viewing of our team promo film!


Here is an exclusive first look at our behind the scenes promo film…

Nuestro nuevo video promocional!

Dale un primer vistazo a nuestro vídeo promocional entre bambalinas


28th Sep 2015

Three things not to forget when planning your event in Ibiza…

1.     The weather

Although in general the weather here is beautiful, extreme weather can happen. We always recommend to our clients to plan for sunshine, however summer months can bring extreme heat, meaning water, fans, shade, sun parasols, hats, sunscreen & of course insect repellant are a wise idea to have on hand for your guests! Tents are a great consideration for either extreme heat or for heavy rain as it means you have some shaded dry space to enjoy yourselves! We have some great weather related options for you so please ask us & we can make some suggestions appropriate to you!

2.     Power

Depending on how much you have at your event, additional power might be needed to ensure everything can operate at the same time. For example, if you are bringing in soundsystems, catering, bar, lighting etc – we can organise generators to run these for you, meaning you don’t need to use your venues electricity!

3.     Transport

How are your guests getting to & from your event? To avoid anyone being stranded at the end of a party (Ibiza has some rather incredible yet remote venues for events!) we have some great transport options & our suppliers know all our venues so no matter how remote we can suggest some options suitable for you.

[email protected]

Hay tres cosas que siempre se debe llevar en
consideración cuanto a la planificación de tu evento en Ibiza

1.  El clima

Aunque, en general, el clima es delicioso,
puede suceder el caso de un clima extremo. Nosotros siempre recomendamos a
nuestros clientes que planeen su evento para un día soleado, sin embargo, los
meses de verano pueden traer calor extremo, requiriendo mucha agua, abanicos,
sombra, sombrillas, sombreros, protector solar y repelente de insectos –
imprescindibles para una agradable velada.

Tiendas y carpas son algo que se debe
considerar, regalando siempre un espacio fresco y seco para disfrutar del día y
de sus invitados con tranquilidad! Tenemos increíbles opciones para resguardar
sus invitados durante todo el evento, así que por favor, pregúntanos y podremos
sugerir las opciones más apropiadas para ti!

2.  Electricidad

Dependiendo de lo que tienes contractado para
tu evento, potencia eléctrica adicional podría ser necesario para asegurarse de
que todo pueda funcionar a la vez. Por ejemplo: si tienes contractado sistema
de sonido, catering, bar, iluminación, etc – podemos organizar generadores de
electricidad, garantizando que no tengas que utilizar la electricidad del
local; sin riesgo de que la energía no aguante toda la potencia necesaria.

3.  Transporte

¿Cómo tus invitados llegarán a tu evento y
cómo volverán a sus lugares de origen? Para evitar que alguien se sienta
abandonado al final de la fiesta, tenemos muy buenas opciones de transporte y
nuestros proveedores conocen cada uno de nuestros locales favoritos (Ibiza
todavía tiene lugares para eventos increíbles y remotos). Así que no importa
cuán remota es la zona de tu evento, nosotros podemos ofrecerte opciones especialmente
adecuadas para ti y tus invitados.

[email protected]


27th Aug 2015

An elegant metallic, blush and white table set up from one of our weddings earlier this summer.


27th Aug 2015

It’s the little touches which finish off any event. Ask your event planner at [email protected] or enquire now and we will give you some creative suggestions to suit your individual style.


29th Jul 2015

Fresh potted rosemary & lavendar to ignite guests senses on our events…

Important Covid 19 Updateread more dismiss

Covid 19 has caused the postponement of many events, which is an event of Force Majeure. This is very frustrating for all but we will work with all of our clients to rearrange events. We will honour our contracts for all events and will apply any deposits paid against a rearranged date. Should clients cancel their events then unfortunately deposits will be forfeit in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.